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Karlov, A.G., Khomenko, N.N., Fedorenko, S.N. Improving the Effectiveness of Innovative Development of Production Process Automation Equipment.

The article treats the advanced experience in teaching of OTSM-TRIZ-based problem solving and the application of this experience for the automation equipment development. Deposit in CHOUNB 21.07.12 № 3547  

Sidorchuk, T.A., Khomenko, N.N., Karlov, A.G. About the Problems and New Approaches to the TRIZ-OTSM-Based Processes of Beginning Inventor Creative Thinking Development within the framework of the “Johnathan Livingstone” Project.

This work with additional materials (in particular, the multimedia training aid "Chicken and the Universe”) was presented  at the II INTERNATIONAL SHOWROOM OF INVENTIONS AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES “NEW TIME” held in Sebastopol in September 2006 where it was awarded the Gold Medal. The site presents the draft article with minor editor’s alterations. 

Deposited in  CHOUNB 21.07.12 № 3548



Khomenko, N.N. What Knowledge Should the Problem Solving Support System Operate (part of the report delivered jointly with Mitasov at IMLab on 15 August, 1991)

In the 80s -90s, Nikolai Khomenko worked for IMLab – the scientific research laboratory of inventive problems dealing with the development of a computer program for TRIZ-based support of inventive activities. This report covers the solving procedure of the knowledge representation problem in the intelligent system "Inventive Machine".

The article is currently available in Russian only.

Dposited in CHOUNB 30.06.12 № 3545


Khomenko, N.N. A Color Music Polyscreen (Kifa Vasilievich’s notes about Universal Laws inspired by the papers of the “Petrozavodsk-85” conference)

In the 60s and 70s, “Nauka I Zhizn” (“Science and life”) journal published crazy ideas and theories in its “From Kifa Vasilievich Archives” column. As far as I know, at one time Nikolai was going to introduce a similar column on This text was probably written after Petrozavodsk 1985 workshop. TRIZ developers coming to Petrozavodsk from all over the world were ready to discuss the problems of the new science day and night.
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