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Ключевые шаги модели "клещи": -формулировка Исходной ситуации; -формулировка наиболее желаемого результата; -формулировка барьера и переформулирование барьера как противоречия; -формулировка решения с помощью зрения здравого смысла; -проверка решения с помощью НЖР, при необходимости - повторение цикла. (по статье Н.Хоменко, Дж.Кук. Решение изобретательской задачи с использованием модели из ОТСМ-ТРИЗ «КЛЕЩИ»)

Nikolai Khomenko, John Cooke. Inventive problem solving using the OTSM-TRIZ “TONGS” model


One of the simplest tools in OTSM-TRIZ is the “TONGS” model. Despite being simple, the “TONGS” model provides a versatile way to frame and study an inventive technological problem. For TRIZ novices, the “TONGS” model can be trained and applied very rapidly. For more advanced TRIZ users, the “TONGS” model can set discrete TRIZ tools in context or can direct each process step in ARIZ (Algorithm for Inventive Problem Solving) and PFN (OTSM based Problem Flow Networks approach).

N. Khomenko. Effective Education and Problem Management Tools based on OTSM-TRIZ (video of the Jurmala seminar, 2009)

Below are snippets of the seminar "Effective Education and Problem Management Tools based on OTSM-TRIZ" conducted by N. Khomenko, A. Sokol and D.Kucheryavy in Jurmala, 2009.

General Theory on Powerful Thinking (OTSM): Digest of Evolution, Theoretical Background, Tools for Practice and Some Domain of Application


OTSM is a Russian acronym proposed by Genrich Altshuller to describe the next evolution of Classical TRIZ. The acronym can be translated into English as the “General Theory on Powerful Thinking” Mr. Altshuller proposed the idea to transition from Classical TRIZ to OTSM in the mid 1970‘s. Some background ideas for this transition were developed in the 1980‘s, initiating the formal development of OTSM.

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