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аксиомы, описывающие модель мира, удобную при анализе и решении различных нетиповых проблем

Nikolai Khomenko, Roland de Guio. OTSM System of Axioms (2015)

"The role of axioms is to define the boundaries of a theory. It is supposed that within these limits, the theory works. Out of these limits the result is not guaranteed. Thus, in order to understand OTSM, it is necessary to know its axioms".

This material was developed by Nikolai Khomenko and Roland de Guio and finally completed by Roland de Guio (2015).

Edited by I.Kaikov, O. Kaikov. 


Khomenko, N.N. A Color Music Polyscreen (Kifa Vasilievich’s notes about Universal Laws inspired by the papers of the “Petrozavodsk-85” conference)

In the 60s and 70s, “Nauka I Zhizn” (“Science and life”) journal published crazy ideas and theories in its “From Kifa Vasilievich Archives” column. As far as I know, at one time Nikolai was going to introduce a similar column on This text was probably written after Petrozavodsk 1985 workshop. TRIZ developers coming to Petrozavodsk from all over the world were ready to discuss the problems of the new science day and night.

Khomenko, N.N. Axioms of the General Theory of Powerful Thinking (2012)

This article is based on the last draft of the “Axioms of the General Theory of Strong Thinking” which was planned as part of a modular training aid in OTSM and was edited by the author till December 2009. To ease apprehension, unfinished parts dedicated to examples, answers to questions and partially to comments, as well as appendices dedicated to training and definition of the "axiom" notion in dictionaries where removed. The full text of the draft is published as a separate material on this site.  

Khomenko, N.N. Axioms of Strong Thinking: early versions (1997-1999), 2004)


This material is kept in a separate file in the archive. It consists of two parts:

1)      the first finished 1997 version of axioms (this version was demonstrated to G.S. Altshuller who, as a result, allowed Nikolai to use the term "OTSM" in his works;

2)      the modified version which is close to the last version (2004).

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