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"Правила инструментов ОТСМ для решения проблем должны быть максимально общими и поэтому универсальными, но они также должны быть применимы для получения конкретного решения для очень конкретной проблемы" (Н.Хоменко, М.Аштиани. Классическая ТРИЗ и ОТСМ как теоретическая основа инструментов для решения нестандартных проблем. - с.11).

Andrei Kuryan, Dmitry Kucharavy. Heritage of Nikolai Khomenko (2018)

About the report “Heritage of Nikolai Khomenko”

Andrei Kuryan TRIZ Trainer, EPAM Systems, Minsk, Belarus

Dmitry Kucharavy Researcher, teacher, consultant, Strasbourg, France


In this article we present the overview of lifeline and heritage of TRIZ Master Nikolai Khomenko (1954 - 2011).

Denis CAVALLUCCI, Nikolaï KHOMENKO, Christophe MOREL. Towards inventive design through management of contradictions


Consumption of innovative products is continuously growing and this has a major impact on industry: the need to rebuild design potential is strongly felt both in terms of human skills and methodological expertise. The question behind the challenges regarding this situation can be summed up as follows: are the tools and methods developed during an era in search of quality optimization still appropriate in the context of the needs of innovation era?

Khomenko, N.N. OTSM-TRIZ-based problem solving (50 pages)


This booklet was written to the order of the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Strasbourg, France and published in French in 2005. In the archive, there are practically full drafts of the Russian version and a corresponding text in English (chapters 1 to 7). In Nikolai Khomenko's maling, the work was conventionally marked as "50 pages” (the ordered volume of the work in the French language).

The book is currently available in Russian only.

Khomenko N. Super-short introduction into Classical TRIZ and OTSM

"This material is meant to be the first step for those who desire to reach a more profound understanding of the theoretical foundations of TRIZ and OTSM, as well as to learn to employ their instruments with ease for the broadest range of purposes.  It may be helpful to one studying the modern condition of OTSM-TRIZ on the stages of reflecting upon and systematizing the mastered material" (from the paper).

Edited by I.Maceralnik

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