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Classical TRIZ as applied theory

Еще в сороковых годах Г.С. Альтшуллер поставил задачу иначе: "Как без многочисленного перебора вариантов решения проблемы выходить сразу на сильные решения?"... Методология решения проблем строится на основе изучаемых ТРИЗ общих законов эволюции, общих принципов разрешения противоречий и механизмов приложения этих общих положений к решению конкретных проблем. Современная Теория Решения Изобретательских Задач включает: Механизмы планомерного преобразования размытой, проблемной ситуации в четкий образ будущего решения. Механизмы подавления психологической инерции, препятствующей поиску решений. Обширный информационный фонд - концентрированный опыт решения проблем.

Khomenko, N.N. OTSM-TRIZ-based problem solving (50 pages)


This booklet was written to the order of the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Strasbourg, France and published in French in 2005. In the archive, there are practically full drafts of the Russian version and a corresponding text in English (chapters 1 to 7). In Nikolai Khomenko's maling, the work was conventionally marked as "50 pages” (the ordered volume of the work in the French language).

The book is currently available in Russian only.

Khomenko N. Super-short introduction into Classical TRIZ and OTSM

"This material is meant to be the first step for those who desire to reach a more profound understanding of the theoretical foundations of TRIZ and OTSM, as well as to learn to employ their instruments with ease for the broadest range of purposes.  It may be helpful to one studying the modern condition of OTSM-TRIZ on the stages of reflecting upon and systematizing the mastered material" (from the paper).

Edited by I.Maceralnik

Khomenko, N.N., Shpakovky, N.A. Improvement of Mouldboard Rotary Machine by TRIZ and VEA


The work is dedicated to solving a problem of improving the reliability and effectiveness of a soil-cultivating moldboard rotary machine. Proposed are methods for creating an integrated process of pre-sowing cultivation of soil obtained by using VEA. The material describes both the problem definition stage and the main work results.

The article is currently available in Russian only.

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