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Classical TRIZ as applied theory

Еще в сороковых годах Г.С. Альтшуллер поставил задачу иначе: "Как без многочисленного перебора вариантов решения проблемы выходить сразу на сильные решения?"... Методология решения проблем строится на основе изучаемых ТРИЗ общих законов эволюции, общих принципов разрешения противоречий и механизмов приложения этих общих положений к решению конкретных проблем. Современная Теория Решения Изобретательских Задач включает: Механизмы планомерного преобразования размытой, проблемной ситуации в четкий образ будущего решения. Механизмы подавления психологической инерции, препятствующей поиску решений. Обширный информационный фонд - концентрированный опыт решения проблем.

N.Khomenko. Fundamentals of Classical TRIZ

The part of the English handbook of TETRIS PROJECT

N.Khomenko. Part 1. Why do we need to know the foundations of applied theories?

The part of the English handbook of TETRIS PROJECT

"The notion of creation is akin to that of horizon and applied theories are cars which allow us to reach new horizons much faster, than we could do that going on foot, and to move to new, still more interesting creation horizons".

The author shoes by examples, that "in-depth knowledge of the fundamental principles if Classical TRIZ not only ensures effective application of its tools, but also allows new tools, adapted to specific needs, to be created as necessary"



General Theory on Powerful Thinking (OTSM): Digest of Evolution, Theoretical Background, Tools for Practice and Some Domain of Application


OTSM is a Russian acronym proposed by Genrich Altshuller to describe the next evolution of Classical TRIZ. The acronym can be translated into English as the “General Theory on Powerful Thinking” Mr. Altshuller proposed the idea to transition from Classical TRIZ to OTSM in the mid 1970‘s. Some background ideas for this transition were developed in the 1980‘s, initiating the formal development of OTSM.

©N. Khomenko.  Workshop Program: «Theory and Practice of Development and Use of Tools for Solving Non‐Standard, Creative Problems on the Basis of OTSM and Classical TRIZ» 

What will the training result be like?

As a result  of this course students

1. will be introduced to

a.  a detailed analytical review of basic tools based on the theoretical propositions of OTSM and Classical TRIZ; 

b. ways of overcoming stereotypes in the organization of the innovation process based on tools of OTSM‐TRIZ concept «Think out of the Box»;

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