Material from the archive |
Хоменко Н.Н. Расширенная многоэкранная схема сильного мышления |
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244 |
Material from the archive |
N. Khomenko. Advanced Multi-Screen Scheme of Powerful Thinking |
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232 |
Material from the archive |
Nikolai Khomenko, Roland de Guio. OTSM System of Axioms (2015) |
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219 |
Video material |
Проект 'Джонатан Ливингстон'. Видеодоклад для Челябинской конференции по ТРИЗ-педагогике. 2005 |
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215 |
Material from the archive |
Хоменко Н.Н. Технологии решения творческих задач |
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215 |
Material from the archive |
Denis CAVALLUCCI, Nikolaï KHOMENKO, Christophe MOREL. Towards inventive design through management of contradictions |
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215 |
Material on OTSM on an external resource |
Sidorchuk T.A., Khomenko N.N., Harry Flosser. Chicken and the Universe |
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199 |
Material on OTSM on an external resource |
T. Sidorchuk, N.Khomenko. Use of OTSM-TRIZ in teaching children of 3-7 years old to work with problems (Keynote speach on TRIZCON 2006) |
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191 |
Material from the archive |
Paul R. Rousseau, Nikolai Khomenko. Improving Problem Solving and Solution Design Skills Using Problem Flow Coaches in Capstone Projects |
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189 |
Material from the archive |
Хоменко Н.Н. Рабочие материалы по Общей теории сильного мышления (ОТСМ), 1980 - 1996 |
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188 |
Material from the archive |
Хоменко Н.Н. Проблема как элемент в модели ЭИЗ. Фрагменты писем в конференцию по ОТСМ |
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183 |
Material from the archive |
Хоменко Н.Н. О творческих коллективах |
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182 |
Video material |
General Theory on Powerful Thinking (OTSM): Digest of Evolution, Theoretical Background, Tools for Practice and Some Domain of Application |
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177 |
Material from the archive |
Nikolai Khomenko, Hongyul Yoon.l OTSM-TRIZ as a Response to the Request from the Specialized and Interdisciplinary Problem Situation |
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177 |
Material on OTSM on an external resource |
Хоменко Н.Н. Проблема проблем (ключевая проблема процесса решения проблем). 1997 |
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173 |
Material on OTSM on an external resource |
Хоменко Н.Н. Творческая личность и коллективная работа (1998) |
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171 |
Material on OTSM on an external resource |
Н. Хоменко, А. Сокол. Перечень навыков ОТСМ-ТРИЗ |
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167 |
Material from the archive |
Проект "Джонатан Ливингстон". Краткая справка (1997?) |
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162 |
Material on OTSM on an external resource |
Atom Mirakyan, Roland de Guio. A methodology in innovative support of the integrated energy planning preparation and orientation phase. 2014 |
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160 |
Material on OTSM on an external resource |
Хоменко Н.Н. Теория Решения Изобретательских Задач (ТРИЗ) и проблемы образования (1993) |
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159 |
Material from the archive |
Thomas ELTZER, Denis CAVALLUCCI, Philippe LUTZ, Nikolai KHOMENKO. Contribution to early stages analysis: a framework for contradiction’s complexity representation. ETRIA, 2004 |
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159 |
Material from the archive |
Nikolai Khomenko, Eric Schenk. Igor Kaikov. OTSM-TRIZ problem network technique: application to the history of German high-speed trains (ETRIA, 2006) |
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158 |
Material on OTSM on an external resource |
Korzun A.V., Khomenko N.N., Sidorchuk T.A., Harry Flosser. What is that OTSM-TRIZ pedagogical program gives students (3-23 years old)? |
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158 |
Material from the archive |
О преимуществах нелинейного обучения и технологиях ОТСМ (беседа Н.Н. Хоменко с Георгием и Петром Николаевичем, 1999.03.13) |
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157 |
Material from the archive |
Хоменко Н.Н. Материалы к технологии "Противоречие" |
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157 |
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