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Contradiction Technology (based on ARIZ)

Khomenko, N.N. Contradiction as a System of Contradiction. 1988



The article describes solutions to the problem of transition from a PhC to its resolution found by the author in the course of the "Invention Problem" software development. 

The article is currently available in Russian only.

Deposited in CHOUNB 4.05.12 № 3539

A.Korzun, N.Khomenko, A.Nesterenko. Resolution of contradictions in OTSM-TRIZ (material for teachers)

This presentation was created by Anna Korzun on the basis of the materials by N. Khomenko, and A. Nesterenko. Anna used her own assigments, as well as invenive problems from various sources on TRIZ and TRIZ-pedagogy.
This material was discussed by Nikolai Khomenko and Anna Korzun in 2009. Nikolai advised to refine this presentation for publishing and translating it into English. We carry out his wish.

Khomenko, N.N. Summarizing lecture on OTSM-TRIZ fundamentals

© Nikolai Nikolayevich Khomenko (NN) 27 March 1999

Ingrida Murashkovska (IM), Svetlana Guin (SG), Anna Korzun (AK)

The audio recording printout and primary editing by S.Sokolov

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