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"...строение, функционирование и смена поколений систем подчиняются объективным законам. Отсюда: сильные решения - это решения, соответствующие объективным законам, закономерностям, явлениям, эффектам" (Н. Хоменко. ТРИЗ - краткая справка. 1997-2003 / )

Khomenko, N.N. A Color Music Polyscreen (Kifa Vasilievich’s notes about Universal Laws inspired by the papers of the “Petrozavodsk-85” conference)

In the 60s and 70s, “Nauka I Zhizn” (“Science and life”) journal published crazy ideas and theories in its “From Kifa Vasilievich Archives” column. As far as I know, at one time Nikolai was going to introduce a similar column on This text was probably written after Petrozavodsk 1985 workshop. TRIZ developers coming to Petrozavodsk from all over the world were ready to discuss the problems of the new science day and night.

Khomenko N.N. Workshop in Artek, 1997 (notes)

At the end of the 90s, Artek was the place of birth and realization of many pedagogic ideas.  Among others, a team of TRIZ-teachers headed by Nikolai Khomenko effectively worked in Artek. Mikhail Sidorenko (1950-2002), the General Director of Artek, member of Academy of Pedagogic Sciences of the Ukraine, Ghairman of Presidium of the international charitable organization "Education Without Borders” took an interest in the TRIZ pedagogy potential. The plans built jointly with Artek management were not realized because of the management team replacement.

Khomenko, N.N. Summarizing lecture on OTSM-TRIZ fundamentals

© Nikolai Nikolayevich Khomenko (NN) 27 March 1999

Ingrida Murashkovska (IM), Svetlana Guin (SG), Anna Korzun (AK)

The audio recording printout and primary editing by S.Sokolov

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