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"Для описания процессов и компонентов проблемы Альтшуллер предложил модель «Системный оператор». Он также называл ее Полной схемой сильного мышления. Для объяснения того, что считается сильным мышлениям с точки зрения ТРИЗ, Альтшуллер обычно использовал 18 «экранов»" (Н. Хоменко, М. Аштиани. Классическая ТРИЗ и ОТСМ как теоретическая основа инструментов для решения нестандартных проблем. - с.6).

Khomenko, N.N. Elements of the General Theory of Powerful Thinking (OTSM). A Monologue for Sveta

A conversation with Svetlana Lavrentieva (Kucherova) (1964-2011) presumably took place in 1997 (the hardcopy is dated November 1998). The conversation was dedicated to the basic ideas and tools of the general theory of strong thinking. The emphasis was laid on the then new tools – the "element - feature - meaning" model and four basic problem-solving technologies (subsequently named OTSM-technologies of the 1st generation).

The article is currently available in Russian only.



Khomenko N.N. Workshop in Artek, 1997 (notes)

At the end of the 90s, Artek was the place of birth and realization of many pedagogic ideas.  Among others, a team of TRIZ-teachers headed by Nikolai Khomenko effectively worked in Artek. Mikhail Sidorenko (1950-2002), the General Director of Artek, member of Academy of Pedagogic Sciences of the Ukraine, Ghairman of Presidium of the international charitable organization "Education Without Borders” took an interest in the TRIZ pedagogy potential. The plans built jointly with Artek management were not realized because of the management team replacement.

Khomenko, N.N. Summarizing lecture on OTSM-TRIZ fundamentals

© Nikolai Nikolayevich Khomenko (NN) 27 March 1999

Ingrida Murashkovska (IM), Svetlana Guin (SG), Anna Korzun (AK)

The audio recording printout and primary editing by S.Sokolov

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