About TRIZ without shorties. Nikolai Khomenko’s interview given to the “Otdel Kadrov” magazine, February 2005
Submitted by admin on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 23:51
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Abstract (Personal Management Secrets magazine)
In the modern world, everything goes out of date at a quick pace, in particular knowledge. That's why everything we are taught at schools and universities turns out to be useless. For instance, scientists say that man only uses 3% of their knowledge in mathematics they gained at school. Naturally, knowledge is important but teaching people to think is a much more important task. In our opinion, TRIZ knowledge is a type of knowledge that never becomes obsolete and helps man think creatively. We ask our questions to Nikolai Khomenko, the known TRIZ-specialist, our fellow-countryman having vast international practices.
The article is currently available in Russian only.
The article is currently available in Russian only.
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