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"Классическая ТРИЗ включает в себя два типа инструментов: · инструменты для решения проблем, которые могут быть описаны решателем как типовые проблемы, имеющие соответствующие типовые решения, описанные в общем виде и потому облегчающие поиск необходимого инструмента (изобретательские стандарты, приемы и другие методы, используемые в ТРИЗ); · инструмент для работы с проблемами, не имеющими типовых решений ни в рамках специальных знаний, ни даже среди метатиповых решений, которыми являются типовые решения ТРИЗ. Это основной системообразующий инструмент, классической ТРИЗ – Алгоритм решения изобретательских проблем – АРИЗ-85-В, созданный Альтшуллером. Не стоит путать его с многочисленными модификациями, предлагаемыми различными авторами" (Суперкраткое введение в ОТСМ-ТРИЗ, 2005, ).

Khomenko, N.N., Shpakovky, N.A. Improvement of Mouldboard Rotary Machine by TRIZ and VEA


The work is dedicated to solving a problem of improving the reliability and effectiveness of a soil-cultivating moldboard rotary machine. Proposed are methods for creating an integrated process of pre-sowing cultivation of soil obtained by using VEA. The material describes both the problem definition stage and the main work results.

The article is currently available in Russian only.

General Theory on Powerful Thinking (OTSM): Digest of Evolution, Theoretical Background, Tools for Practice and Some Domain of Application


OTSM is a Russian acronym proposed by Genrich Altshuller to describe the next evolution of Classical TRIZ. The acronym can be translated into English as the “General Theory on Powerful Thinking” Mr. Altshuller proposed the idea to transition from Classical TRIZ to OTSM in the mid 1970‘s. Some background ideas for this transition were developed in the 1980‘s, initiating the formal development of OTSM.

Khomenko, N.N. About Temporal Dominants in a Problem Solving Process: a printout of the skype lecture for G.V. Terekhova (14-16 January 2011)


In January 2011, N.N. Khomenko delivered a skype lecture for G.V. Terekhova about the TRIZ tools evolution and their modern presentation in OTSM-TRIZ. It was the continuation of their talk dedicated to the role of psychological research in TRIZ and OTSM-TRIZ development. 

The article is currently available in Russian only.

©N. Khomenko.  Workshop Program: «Theory and Practice of Development and Use of Tools for Solving Non‐Standard, Creative Problems on the Basis of OTSM and Classical TRIZ» 

What will the training result be like?

As a result  of this course students

1. will be introduced to

a.  a detailed analytical review of basic tools based on the theoretical propositions of OTSM and Classical TRIZ; 

b. ways of overcoming stereotypes in the organization of the innovation process based on tools of OTSM‐TRIZ concept «Think out of the Box»;

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