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OTSM as applied theory

Andrei Kuryan, Dmitry Kucharavy. Heritage of Nikolai Khomenko (2018)

About the report “Heritage of Nikolai Khomenko”

Andrei Kuryan TRIZ Trainer, EPAM Systems, Minsk, Belarus

Dmitry Kucharavy Researcher, teacher, consultant, Strasbourg, France


In this article we present the overview of lifeline and heritage of TRIZ Master Nikolai Khomenko (1954 - 2011).

Nikolai Khomenko, Hongyul Yoon.l OTSM-TRIZ as a Response to the Request from the Specialized and Interdisciplinary Problem Situation

Nowadays, as the required knowledge for problem solving in modern industries has been getting more specialized and more interdisciplinary, the level of complexity of the initial problem situation has increased dramatically. In this presentation, several thinking tools of OTSM are proposed as the prospective thinking way to deal with high complexity of a problem.

(Hongyul Yoon)

N. Khomenko. Effective Education and Problem Management Tools based on OTSM-TRIZ (video of the Jurmala seminar, 2009)

Below are snippets of the seminar "Effective Education and Problem Management Tools based on OTSM-TRIZ" conducted by N. Khomenko, A. Sokol and D.Kucheryavy in Jurmala, 2009.

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