Publications and Conferences
1. N.Khomenko. Modeling of problem situation (Russian). Proceedings of conference: Methodology and techniques of engineering creativity. USSR, Novosibirsk, 1984.
2. D.Bodilovsky, N.Khomenko (Russian). Automation system for tool control of harvest machine. Proceedings of conference: Automation systems for agriculture machines and production processes. USSR, Gomel. 1985
3. N.Khomenko, Y.Sidorenko (Russian). Automation control of engine utilization of harvest machine. Proceedings of conference: Automation systems for agriculture machines and production processes. USSR, Gomel. 1985
4. N.Khomenko (English). Selection of the minimal task. In the book: Design research in progress. Printed by Polish Academy of science. Institute of philosophy and sociology. Warsaw, Poland. 1987
5. A.Kurian, E.Leskovets, V.Mishin, N.Khomenko, V.Tsourikov (Russian). Artificial intelligence software system to support inventive problem solving process. Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence Conference. USSR, Pereslavl-Zalessky. 1988
6. N.Khomenko, V.Tsourikov. Contradiction resolution in artificial intelligence software for concept design stage of product developing.
Proceedings of conference: CAD system for product development. USSR, Minsk. 1988
7. N.Khomenko. Software for inventive problem solving training classes. Proceedings of conference: Engineering creativity. USSR, Miass. 1988
8. N.Khomenko. Contradiction as a system of elementary contradictions. Proceedings of conference: Engineering creativity. USSR, Miass. 1988
9. N.Khomenko (Russian). Using multi dimension space of features for system description. Proceedings of conference: Engineering creativity. USSR, Miass. 1988
10. N.Khomenko (Russian). Organization structure of public TRIZ school. Chervonaia Zmena Jornal. Belarus. 1988
11. N.Khomenko, N.Shpakovsky. Using TRIZ and VEA technique for improving reliability of agriculture leveling machine VP-3.6. Student book for students of TRIZ and VEA schools. USSR, Minsk. 1988
12. L.Bachilo, N.Khomenko, V.Tsourikov. Family of intelligence software system for problem solving assistance. Izvestia Vuzov Jornal. Radioelectronic Volume 6-1989.
13. N.Khomenko. Education problems and TRIZ pedagogy. Proceedings of conference “Education in XXI century”. USSR, Minsk 1993
14. N.Khomenko. Using game “Yes-No” for teaching TRIZ. TRIZ Jornal. Volume 1-1993
15. B.Bushov, N.khomenko, J.Bartl, P.Jurman (English). Innovations in TIPS and IM. Proceedings of an International Conference: Computer based learning in science. Czech Republic, Opava 1995.
16. N.Khomenko, N.Shpakovsky (Russian). Elaboration of rotary-shellboard machine. TRIZ Jornal. Volume 1-1996
17. A.Karlov, N.Khomenko (Russian). Education problems and TRIZ pedagogy in modern university education. Proceedings of international conference “Problems of creative thinking technology”. Ukraine, Sevastopol 1996.
18. A.Karlov, N.Khomenko (Russian). TRIZ and problems of modern engineering education. Proceedings of Third International Conference “Young in science, education and ecology”. Ukraine, Sevastopol 1996.
19. B.Busov, N.Khomenko (Czech). Kudaceasta z ved do techniky a zpet. Proceedings of international conference: RUFIS”97 – Role of University in the Future Information Society. Czech Republic, Prague, 1997
20. N.Khomenko, T.Sidorchuk (Russian). Focal objects technique. (Using Focal Objects Technique for developing imagination and ability of preschool children to modeling objects as a list of features). Preschool pedagogue journal - “Praleska” 5-1997.
21. N.Khomenko, T.Sidorchuk (Russian). Feature named “Size” (System of training for developing ability of using feature properties concerning Size for problem solving). Preschool pedagogue journal - “Praleska” 6-1997.
22. N.Khomenko, T.Sidorchuk (Russian). Feature named “Time” (System of training for developing ability of using feature properties concerning Time for problem solving). Preschool pedagogue journal - “Praleska” 7-1997.
23. B.Busov, N.Khomenko, I.Devoino (Czech). Computer aided innovation – TRIZ method and Invention Machine Software. Proceedings of National Conference with International Participation: Engineering Mechanics – 98. Czech Republic, Svartka, 1998.
24. A.Karlov, N.Khomenko (Russian). Psychology aspects of using special games in problem solving education. Proceedings of 5-th international conference “Young in science, education and ecology”. Ukraine, Sevastopol 1998.
25. B.Busov, N.Khomenko, (Czech). TRIZ and Invention Machine Software. – Expert System for problem solving. Proceedings of Colloquium about innovation process. Czech Republic, Vyskov, 1998.
26. A.Karlov, N.Khomenko (Russian). Fundamental technologies of problem solving in engineering, education and business. Proceedings of Sixth International Conference “Young in science, education and environment”. Ukraine, Sevastopol 1999.
27. N.Khomenko (Russian). Using “Yes-No” game for developing ability of problems solving. Internet - 1999
28. N.Khomenko. T.Sidorchuk (Russian). Using “Yes-No” game for developing ability of preschool children to analyze and understand folk magic tales (ability to abstract modeling). Internet - 1999
29. N.Khomenko (Russian). Main problem of problem solving. Internet - 1999
30. N.Khomenko (Russian). Base scheme of OTSM-TRIZ. Internet - 1999
31. N.Khomenko (Russian). Main technologies of OTSM-TRIZ. Internet - 1999
32. N.Khomenko (Russian). Modern technology of TRIZ education. Internet - 1999
33. A.Karlov, N.Khomenko (Russian). Problems, theory and practices of integrated approach to creative thinking development. Proceedings of international conference of schoolteachers. Ukraine, International children Center “ARTEK”, 1999.
34. Introduction to OTSM-TRIZ. Journal “School’s Technology”. May 2000.
35. Khomenko N.N., Sokol A. New models and Methodology for teaching OTSM-TRIZ. TRIZCON 2000 – Proceedings of International TRIZ conference.
36. N.Khomenko The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) Pedagogical Scientific Journal ”Country Side’s School”. June 2000
37. Dubois S., Khomenko N., Lutz P., De Guio R.: « Problem formulation – A key step in the process of resolution of inventive problems », proceedings of the world conference TRIZ Future 2001, p 11, 7-9 novembre 2001, Bath, UK, ISBN 90-77071-01-6
38. Sidorchuk T., Khomenko N. Analysis of story line using situational games “Yes-No” 2002.
39. Murashkovska I., Khomenko N. Third millennium: educational problems. Journal – New Value of Education, #1, 2002.
40. Busov, B., Khomenko, N., Gasanov A., Kokin S.: InOVACE systémove (InOVATION Systematicaly), SYSTE 02 (System Engineering), Acta EVIDA No 11, pp 17-28., 12.6.2002, Praha, 2002, ISBN 80-86596-06-0
41. N.Khomenko D.Kucheriavy. OTSM-TRIZ problem solving process: solutions and their classification. Proceedings of the conference: ETRIA TRIZ-Future 2002. Strasbourg. France. 2002
42. Book
N.Khomenko, S.Leluch, T.Sidorchuk Development of creative thinking, imagination and speaking skills of preschool children. Textbook for pedagogues and student of pedagogical colleges. Ulianovsk, Russia 2003.
43. I.Murashkovska, N.Khomenko. Third millennium: driving contradiction and other problems of education. In the book: TRIZ-Pedagogy. In the series: New Educational Value. Moscow. Russia 2003. ISSN 1726-5304
44. N.Zhuravleva, T.Sidorchuk, N.Khomenko. Composition of riddles based on the fairy tales for “Yes-Now” game. Proceedings of Conference. Using OTSM-TRIZ for preschool children education. Conference has been organized by Methodological Center of OTSM-TRIZ Pedagogy. Ulianovsk 2003.
45. V.Goepp, F.Kiefer, N.Khomenko. OTSM-TRIZ: Le chaînon manquant des processus contingents et modulaires en conception de systèmes d’information? Proceedings of the Conference GI 2003. Montreal 2003.
46. T. Eltzer, D.Cavallucci, N.Khomenko, P.Lutz, E. Caillaud. Problem formulating for inventive design: Application to injection molding technology. Proceedings of the conference CIRP 2004. Egypt 2004.
47. T. Eltzer, D.Cavallucci, P.Lutz, N.Khomenko. Contribution to early stages analysis: a framework for contradiction’s complexity representation. Proceedings of the conference: ETRIA TRIZ-Future 2004.
48. T. Eltzer, E. Caillaud, D.Cavallucci, N.Khomenko, P.Lutz. A contradiction network typology to help TRIZ application in design problem solving. 6e Congrès international de génie industriel Besançon, France 2005.
49. Book
N.Khomenko, R. De Guio. Utilisation de la théorie TRIZ dans les métiers du BTP. INSA Strasbourg. 2005
50. D. Cavallucci, N.Khomenko, C. Morel. Towards inventive design through management of contradictions. Proceedings of the conference CIRP 2005. Shanghai, China. 2005.
51. D. Cavalucci, N. Khomenko et Roland De Guio. Tutorial of inventive problem solving theory. In Shanghai Jiao Tong University, editor, Proceedings of 15th International CIRP Design Seminar, Shanghai, China, 2005
52. N.Khomenko. TRIZ: modern problems of implementation. Journal: Human Resource Department. Professional journal for human resource experts. #2-2005, Minsk. Belarus. Subscription Index 00694.
53. D. Cavallucci, N.Khomenko. From TRIZ to OTSM-TRIZ: Addressing complexity challenges in inventive design International Journal of Product Development (IJPD), 2006.
54. T. Eltzer, D.Cavallucci, N.Khomenko, P.Lutz, E. Caillaud. Problem formulating for inventive design: Application to injection molding technology. In the book: ElMaraghy, Hoda A.; ElMaraghy, Waguih H. Advances in Design. Series: Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. Springer 2006, ISBN: 1-84628-004-4
55. N.Khomenko, A.Karlov, S.Fedorenko. OTSM-TRIZ based Innovative design of automation systems for manufacturing processes. Proceeding of the International scientific conference Automation: problems, ideas, solutions. Sebastopol, Ukraine, 12-17 September 2006.
56. N.Khomenko, T. Sidorchuk, S. Leluch, A.Karlov. Educational program for developing creative and critical thinking skills based on OTSM-TRIZ technologies. Proceedings of the Second International saloon of invention and innovative technologies “New Times”. Sebastopol, Ukraine, 27-29 September, 2006.
57. N.Khomenko, T. Sidorchuk, A.Korzun. Development of thinking skills for problem solving in kids 3-10 years old ages. In the book: Teaching kids how to think. Ulyanovsk. Russia. 2006.
58. N.Khomenko, I. Murashkovska. Third millennium: The driving contradiction and other problems of education. Proceedings of the International Symposium Research and Education in an Innovation Era. Section I: Tradition and modernity in Human sciences. “Aurel Vlacu” University, Arad, Romania 16-18, November, 2006.
59. N. Khomenko, I.Kaikov and E.Shenk. OTSM-TRIZ PROBLEM NETWORK TECHNIQUE: APPLICATION TO THE HISTORY OF GERMAN HIGH-SPEED TRAINS Proceedings of the conference ETRIA TRIZ-Future 2006,Kortrjik, Belgium, November 6-8, 2006
60. N.Khomenko, R. De Guio, L. Lelait, I.Kaikov. A Framework for OTSM-TRIZ Based Computer Support to be used in Complex Problem Management. International Journal of Computer Application in Technology (IJCAT). Volume 30 issue 1/2 - 2007.
61. A. Karlov, N.Khomenko Camozzi’s didactics and instruments of OTSM-TRIZ as a mean to increase innovative project efficiency in packaging industry. Proceeding of the Conference. Packaging Industry. Sebastopol, Ukraine, 2007.
62. N. Khomenko, M. Ashtiany. Classical TRIZ and OTSM as a scientific theoretical background for non-typical problem solving instruments. Proceedings of the conference ETRIA TRIZ-Future 2007, Frankfurt, Germany November 6-8, 2007.
63. N. Khomenko, R. De Guio. OTSM Network of Problems for representing and analysing problem situations with computer support. In the book: Trends in Computer Aided Innovation. Edited by Noel Leon-Rovira, Su K. Cho. Springer 2007, ISBN:978-0-387-75455-0. ISSN: 1571-5736 (Print) 1861-2288 (Online)p.77-88
64. G. Cascini, J. Jantschgi, I. Kaikov, N. Khomenko, I. Murashkovska, A. Sokol, F. Tomasi. TETRIS: Teaching TRIZ at School Meeting the educational requirements of heterogeneous curricula. Proceedings of the conference ETRIA TRIZ-Future 2008, Enshede, Netherlands, 2008.
65. Paul R. Rousseau, and Nikolai Khomenko Improving Problem Solving and Solution Design Skills Using Problem Flow Coaches in Capstone Projects. Proceedings of the conference - The Sixth International Conference on Innovation and Practices in Engineering Design and Engineering Education. July 27-29, 2009.
66. Atom Mirakyan, Laurent Lelait, Nikolai Khomenko, Igor Kaikov. Methodological Framework for the analysis and development of a sustainable, integrated, regional energy plan – A French region case study. Proceedings of the conference EcoMod2009, Ottawa, Canada, June 24-26, 2009
67. Atom Mirakyan, Nikolai Khomenko, Laurent Lelait, Igor Kaikov. The potential of OTSM and Classical TRIZ as a framework method for modern regional, integrated energy planning and modelling. Proceedings of Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan. September 10-12, 2009
Publications in International Scientific Journals with peer reviewing
1. N.Khomenko, R. De Guio, L. Lelait, I.Kaikov. A Framework for OTSM-TRIZ Based Computer Support to be used in Complex Problem Management. International Journal of Computer Application in Technology (IJCAT). Volume 30 issue 1/2 - 2007.
2. Cavallucci D., Khomenko N. (2007). From TRIZ to OTSM-TRIZ: addressing complexity challenges in inventive design. International Journal on Product Development 4 (1/2): 4-21.
3. Alexander Sokol, David Oget, Michel Sonntag, Nikolai Khomenko. The development of inventive thinking skills in the upper secondary language classroom. In the Journal: Thinking Skills and Creativity (TSC). Volume 3. Issue 1. 2008. Pages 34-46.
4. Nikolai Khomenko, Roland De Guio, and Denis Cavallucci. Enhancing ECN’s abilities to address inventive strategies using OTSM-TRIZ. Int. J. Collaborative Engineering, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2, 2009. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
1. Modeling of problem situation (Russian). Conference: Methodology and techniques of engineering creativity. USSR, Novosibirsk, 1984.
2. TRIZ technology - new and effective technology for problem solving. Conference: “Creative problem solving technologies”. Chernogolovka 1985.
3. Invention Machine software as software for innovation process support. Conference: “Creative problem solving and innovations” Jurmala, 1987
4. Contradiction resolving in artificial intelligence software for concept design stage of product development. Conference: CAD system for product developing. USSR, Minsk, 1988
5. Software for inventive problem solving training classes. Proceedings of conference: Engineering creativity. USSR, Miass, 1988.
6. Contradiction as a system of elementary contradictions. Proceedings of conference: Engineering creativity. USSR, Miass, 1988.
7. Using multi dimension space of features for system description. Proceedings of conference: Engineering creativity. USSR, Miass, 1988.
8. Experimental version of Software based on ARIZ for solving problem in a long distance space communication between Earth and space probes. Presentation and express consultation in the Institute of Space researche of Bulgaria, Sofia 1989.
9. Invention Machine Software. Conference: “Modern problems of Artificial Intelligence”. Bulgaria, Sozopol 1989.
10. Elaboration of rotary-shellboard machine. Congress of International TRIZ Association. Petrozavodsk 1989.
11. Using game “Yes-No” for teaching TRIZ. Conference of TRIZ-pedagogues. Petrozavodsk 1990.
12. Contradiction technologies for difficult engineering problem solving. One-day presentation for “Energia” plant that develope and produce spacecraft. Russia, Kaliningrad 1990.
13. Education problems and TRIZ pedagogy. Proceedings of conference “Education in XXI century”. USSR, Minsk 1991
14. Software that help to invent. International exhibition “Expo-91”. Bulgaria, Plovdiv 1991.
15. Software that use TRIZ. One-day presentation for engineers. Poland, Gdansk, 1991.
16. Software that use TRIZ. One-day presentation for professors of Warsaw University and engineers. Poland, Warsaw, 1991.
17. 3 days classes for engineers of “Auto-VAZ” plant. One of the biggest plants that develop and produce cars.
18. TRIZ technologies and education. One-day seminar for teachers of Minsk comprehensive schools. Minsk 1993.
19. TRIZ and imagination development. 3 days classes for professors of Cheliabinsk Pedagogical University. Russia, Cheliabinsk 1994.
20. Problem solving technologies for preschool education. 3 days classes for preschool teachers of Ulianovsk. Russia, Ulianovsk 1994.
21. TRIZ and consulting. One-day presentation in research and scientific-consulting company VOMA. Minsk 1995.
22. Problem solving technologies for preschool education. 3 days classes for preschool teachers of Samara. Russia, Samara 1994.
23. 3-day presentation: “Using TRIZ for professional education” for teachers of Ulianovsk Automobile College. Ulianovsk 1996.
24. Longtime experiments in education. One-day presentation in International Children Center ARTEK. Ukraine, Crimea, ARTEK 1997.
25. One-day presentation in LG Living System Laboratory. South Korea, Seoul 1997
26. Specific of TRIZ education by using Not Linear technology of education. Ukraina, Sebastopol 1997
27. Problem solving and education process. Presentation at the Conference of Belarussian physic teachers. Minsk 1998.
28. TRIZ Technologies in management consulting. Presentation at Canadian Management Center. Canada, Toronto, 1999.
29. Fundamental approach for problem solving and innovations. LG Chemical research and production center. South Korea, Tanchju, 1999.
30. OTSM-TRIZ as universal approach to problem solving. One-day classes and express consulting about vacuum cleaner development. LG Home appliance laboratory. South Korea, Seoul, 1999
31. TRIZ Technology for problem solving. Seneca College, Canada, Toronto, 1999
32. The national TRIZ Day in France, - One of Key speakers. 1999.
33. Introduction to OTSM-TRIZ based technology of problem solving. Lectures for top managers of LG Living System. Seoul, South Korea. 2000
34. Problem solving techniques. Jewish Community Center. Canada, Toronto, 2000
35. TRIZ consulting: practical aspects. Engineering University of Brno. Czech Republic, Brno. 2000
36. OTSM-TRIZ: how does it work in different area of knowledge. Presentation for top management of the company Master Food Polska. Poland Sohachev, 2000
37. Using TRIZ for new product concept generation. Presentation for top managers of Combi-Clip Company. Enshede, Nederland. 2000.
38. What is TRIZ and how it could help for children education? Presentation for teachers of Downsview Middle School. Toronto, Canada.
39. Problem solving techniques. Jewish Community Center. Canada, Toronto, 2001
40. Ability of application OTSM-TRIZ Technology for management and business. Presentation for members of research laboratory BETA, ULP. Strasbourg, France. 2001.
41. Using OTSM-TRIZ Technologies for new product concept generation. Workshop for members of innovation team of Arvin Meritor France. Orleans, France. 2001.
42. OTSM-TRIZ and cost deduction: how does it work. Presentation for members of TRIZ-France Association. 2001
43. Introduction OTSM-TRIZ Technologies into corporate culture of a company. Presentation for top management R&D department of BOURJOIS-CHANEL. Paris, France. 2001.
44. Using Yes-No games for OTSM-TRIZ education. Presentation for members of TRIZ-France Association. 2001
45. How to introduce OTSM-TRIZ to the Company efficiently? Short presentation for top managers of R&D Department of Samsung Electronics. Suwon, Seoul, Korea. 2001.
46. Most efficient ways of OTSM-TRIZ implementation. Presentation for top management of TRIZ-Corporation, Suwon, Korea. 2001.
47. Ability to use OTSM-TRIZ for creative imagination development. Children Educational Center “Pochemuchika”. Toronto, Canada. 2001.
48. Ability to implement OTSM-TRIZ Approach for software development. Presentation for top management of Galaxy Summit Company. Toronto, Canada. 2001.
49. Using OTSM-TRIZ for Children education. Workshop for Japanese teachers. Seoul. Suwon, Korea. 2002.
50. OTSM-TRIZ as interdisciplinary language for research and complicated problem solving. Presentation for CNRS representative. Strasbourg, France. 2002.
51. Using system of Yes-No games in order to develop problem-solving skills. Children Educational Center “Pochemuchika”. Toronto, Canada. 2002.
52. OTSM-TRIZ services market and groups of potential customers. Canada-India Chamber of Commerce. Toronto, Canada. 2002.
53. Fundamentals of OTSM-TRIZ education for system Kindergarten-School-University. Presentation for professors of Sun Moon University (Kindergarten-School-University). Osan, South Korea. 2002.
54. Keynote speaker on TRIZ Future 2002 World conference organized by European TRIZ association. Line of Solutions in the OTSM-TRIZ problem solving process.
55. Application OTSM-TRIZ approach for bypass patents of competitors. Workshop for engineers of Peugeot-Citroen. 2003
56. What is a complicated problem and how can we handle it with OTSM-TRIZ approach? Presentation for Professors of the University of Toronto. August 28, 2003.
57. What is Classical TRIZ and OTSM. Presentation for Top management of European Institute for Energy research. Karlsruhe, Germany 2003.
58. How OTSM-TRIZ could be used for Consulting and coaching. Presentation for top management of Celerant Institute. Strasbourg, France. 2003
59. How OTSM-TRIZ could be useful for design and improvements of an engineering system. Presentation to top managers of R&D department of Thales Group. 2003
60. New paradigm of Knowledge Management and other opportunities of using OTSM-TRIZ. Presentation for leaders of R&D and Knowledge Management departments of European Aerospace Agency. 2004.
61. Presentation about using OTSM-TRIZ for long term technology forecasting for the participant of the international Project “Mixed Energy” initiated by French Company Electricity De France. Karlsruhe. Germany. 2004.
62. How OTSM-TRIZ could be used for developing thinking skills of kids? Presentation on International Conference “Idea Frontier 2004”. Windsor, Canada. 2004.
63. Using OTSM-TRIZ for teaching other middle school subjects and development thinking skills. “Round table” for the teachers of Russian School in Munich. Germany. 2004
64. Application of OTSM and TRIZ for Six Sigma process. Presentation for Director of Six Sigma and project managers of the Ford Motors Company, Detroit USA.2005, June.
65. “Round table” about Innovation in Europe. Organized by European Organization for Quality and European Platform for Transformation. 2005, France. University of Compiegne.
66. Towards inventive design through management of contradictions. Presentation on the conference CIRP 2005. Shanghai, China. 2005.
67. Denis Cavalucci, Nikolai Khomenko et Roland De Guio. Tutorial of inventive problem solving theory. In Shanghai Jiao Tong University, éditeur, Proceedings of 15th International CIRP Design Seminar, Shanghai, China, 2005
68. Using OTSM-TRIZ for Engineering Collaborative Negotiations (ECN). Presentation for Workshop about further development of ECN. Shanghai. China. 2005
69. Practice of Implementation OTSM-TRIZ in European Institute for Energy Research and Opportunity of application OTSM-TRIZ for strategy and tactics of Innovations. Presentation for top managers of R&D and Innovation Department of German company EnBW 2005
70. Application of OTSM-TRIZ for solving complicated engineering problems. Presentation for the top management of R&D department of Alstom Group. 2005.
71. Application of OTSM-TRIZ models for developing thinking skills of kids. Presentation on the 3-d International conference about Intellectual development of kids. Moscow, Russia. 2005.
72. Round table about TRIZ education For Kids. Milwaukee, USA, 2006, April.
73. Panel Discussion on Implementation TRIZ for Quality divisions of a Company. Scientific Conference of American Society for Quality (ASQ). Milwaukee, USA, 2006.
74. Presentation “OTSM based educational technologies for preschoolers” Presentation in frame of the discussion and sharing experience on Quality of Education. The presentation was organized by the organizing committee of the international conference celebrating 60-th anniversary of American Society for Quality (ASQ). Milwaukee, USA, April, 2006.
75. Using OTSM Problem Networks for research about history of German High Speed Train. Annual conference of ETRIA TRIZ-FUTURE-2006. October 2006.
76. Application of OTSM and TRIZ for Problems of Small and medium size Company. Presentation in frame of program Dialog of Experts was organized by Institute of Innovation and Technology Transfer, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. September 2006.
77. OTSM for Sustainable Innovative Company. Presentation on the conference of celebration 5th anniversary of European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER). Germany Karlsruhe. September 2006
78. OTSM and TRIZ: psychological aspects of both theories and their instruments. Presentation for Professors of Psychology. Faculty of psychology of State University of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey. Mexico. 2007 February.
79. OTSM and TRIZ: psychological aspects of both theories and their instruments. Presentation for students of Faculty of psychology of State University of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey. Mexico. 2007 February.
80. Round table about TRIZ education for kids. Louisville, USA, 2007 April.
81. Presentation of Jonathan Livingstone Project for the members of USA Project TRIZ-education for kids. Louisville, USA, April, 2007.
82. OTSM Network of Problems for representing and analysing problem situations with computer support. Conference IFIP, Detroit, USA, October 8-9, 2007.
83. OTSM-TRIZ instruments for Sustainable innovation. Presentation for members of Italian network - Innovation Circus October, Milan, Italy.
84. Presentation “JL-Project and OTSM-TRIZ for Kids education” for Participants of the conference on Creative Thinking Development for business and other application “New Shoes Today”. Invited by the Organizing Committee of the conference. Utrecht, Netherlands, November 2007.
85. Leader of the Round table “Application of OTSM-TRIZ in Educational system of different countries and some problems of implementations and further development”. Den Haag, Netherlands, November 2007.
86. Presentation “JL-Project and OTSM-TRIZ for Kids education” for professors of University UNAM, Baja California, Mexico, February 2008.
87. N.Khomenko, N. Avci, I. Kaikov, L.Markl. Presentation “R&D Management of Interdisciplinary Teams: Contribution of OTSM Network of Problems approach”. International Conference: The R&D Management Conference 2008, June 17-20, Ottawa, Canada.
88. N.Khomenko. Application of OTSM network of problems for management of innovation. Keynote Speech. International Conference on Management of Innovation. December 22, 2008
89. N.Khomenko. OTSM Models of problem solving process: “Funnel” Model, “Tongs” Model, “Hill” Model, Fractal model of a problem solving process. Tutorial at International Conference on Management of Innovation. December 22, 2008
90. N.Khomenko. Using OTSM-TRIZ based instruments for educational process and developing Thinking skills in students of starting form 3 years old ages. Presentation in the Ministry of Education. December 19, 2008.
68. Nikolai Khomenko and Paul R. Rousseau. Improving Problem Solving and Solution Design Skills Using OTSM Problem Flow Coaches in Capstone Projects. The Sixth International Conference on Innovation and Practices in Engineering Design and Engineering Education. July 27-29, 2009. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
69. N.Khomenko. Key Note presentation. International conference on Education. July 2009
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